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Manfrotto’s Befree Live is easy to carry everywhere thanks to its compact size and it fulfils an increasing demand from independent content creators for a lightweight, ergonomic travel tripod that is easy-to-carry for video recording with DSLRs, compact system cameras or small camcorders. It features a tripod spider developed to keep cameras perfectly stable on uneven terrain.
This model introduces a new locking system called the M-lock, the new twist lock developed by Manfrotto to fully satisfy everyone looking for a fast, easy to use, compact solution. Moreover, the M-Lock has no protruding parts, and its mechanism closes perfectly around the head, enabling the Befree Live to slip into and out of its storage pocket effortlessly. This tripod can easily be set to three independent leg angle positions, guaranteeing full shooting versatility for all the creative ideas that can emerge outdoors.
The Befree Live’s solution guarantees very smooth movements all due to the Befree Live Fluid Head, which features a fluid drag system on pan and tilt and keeps your camera perfectly balanced thanks to its sliding video plate. It is easy to use and set up, the Befree Live Fluid Head is provided with two intuitive on/off knobs that lock and unlock the head’s pan and tilt movements separately.
Key features:
- Video tripod kit built for travel performance
- New M-lock twist lock system for fast, secure operation
- Amazing smooth footage with befree live fluid video head
- Side pull selector ensures quick setup with both hands
- Unique premium design, 100% made in Italy
- Weight: 1.64 kg
- Maximum height: 150 cm
- Minimum height: 40 cm