PHOTOTIPS : KALAHARI by Hannes Lochner
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Famed Kalahari photographer Hannes Lochner provides his expertise for this, the fifth book in the PhotoTips series, Photographer on Location. Lochner has special talent for both composition and lighting, and he shares his best advice on these and other topics in the book; such as equipment, landscapes, shooting silhouettes, and more, as well as including some of his own personal recollections.
Author Biography
Hannes Lochner is an internationally awarded photographer who has been photographing wildlife professionally since 2007.
Hannes has produced four magnificent photographic books, three of which were dedicated entirely to the Kalahari. To achieve this, he lived in the Kalahari for five years, where he spent hundreds of hours capturing inspiring images of this captivating landscape and its enigmatic inhabitants.
SIZE: 220mm x 220mm, soft cover, gate folded
PAGES: 160